Our Projects.
Laurel WID Priorities, Goals, and Possible Actions
1. Water Quantity: water availability for agricultural use (irrigation,livestock, processing)
Goal: Farmers in the Laurel WID have secure (legal) access to sufficient water for agricultural uses.
2018: Participate in workshop on water rights
2018: Foster task force pilot: Identify participants and prioritize locations where transfers might be feasible and practical
2019: Support & coordinate with Ag Water Board for efforts in legal negotiations and actions related to water rights
2019: Provide education about water rights to WID members
2. Agricultural field drainage
Goal: Drainage infastructure and ditches in the Laurel WID are actively and efficiently maintained
2017: Developed 5-year plan for drainage
2018: Supported Four Mile Drainage District revegetation
2018: Coordinated Ten Mile Creek drainage improvements
2019: Support East Hemmi stream reroute and restoration
2019: Communicate ability to make use of our permits to landowners and partners in the WID
3. Water Quality
Goal: Agricultural activities in the Laurel WID do not cause water quality standards to be exceeded in surface water and
groundwater bodies within the WID.
2017: Set up the DNA testing for water quality (Scott Ditch)
2018 - present: Supporting Ten Mile Group monitoring and discussions with Ferndale re: Deer Creek
2019: Continue to make use of DNA technology for water quality
4. Flood management & protection
Goal: Agricultural lands in the Laurel WID are protected from flooding due to surface water runoff at critical times in the
growing season.
5. Communication,Outreach, and Education
Goal (internal): WID members are aware of and understand the priority issues and participate actively in WID planning &
implementation of priority actions.
Goal (external): Nonagricultural residents and other stakeholders outside the WID are aware of, understand and support the
Laurel WID's priority actions.
2015: Redesigned website @ www.laurelwid.com
2017 – present: Use AWB and Family Farmers newsletters to communicate current projects
2017 – present: Sponsor WCD Speaker Series and other communication efforts
6. Water flow processes: Habitats & species
Goal: The Laurel WID’s plans and actions help to protect and enhance water flow processes and fish and wildlife habitats
in the Four Mile, Ten Mile, and Deer Creek watersheds.
2019: Identify and replace priority fish blocking culverts
7. Agricultural protection (Protecting the agricultural industry)
Goal: Important agricultural land in the WID is protected from conversion through appropriate zoning and/or voluntary
agricultural conversion easements.